Saturday, October 22, 2011

Xi'an, home of the Terra-Cotta Warriors

                   Terra-Cotta Warriors

We depart from Beijing for Xi'an, another large Chinese city of about 10 million people.  This is the home of the Terra-Cotta Warriors.
     As we depart Beijing for Xi'an, we see the apartment buildings 

                     View from the hotel room in Xi'an.
      Statues of Warriors as seen from the hotel reception desk. 
      They are about 30 feet tall.

This Army of men and horses was buried with the first Emperor of Qin to protect him in the afterlife.  A farmer was digging a well and discovered the soldiers.  He had enough fore thought to stop digging and contact the authorities.  The government built a building over the site to protect it from the elements.

   Each warrior has an individual face and uniform.  None are alike.

There are four burial sites in the area.  Some of the sites had been broken into and some soldiers were destroyed. 
         This is one of the dig sites that is currently been excavated.

                                 Horses with the soldiers.

  Some type fiber covering was placed over the warriors and
  horses to keep the soil off of them and protect them.

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