Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Temple of Heaven

                                                         Temple of Heaven

So the building would be concentric, all the slabs of marble had to be cut so they would fit together starting from the center of the building.  The building was then constructed on the foundation.  We are talking about the 1400s time frame.

These animal heads were constructed all around the building so that the rain water would run out of the animal's mouths onto the floor below and then finally to the ground level. 

Construction workers are repairing the tiles.  Are their workers  better workers than the ones in the US.  They have two working and two watching, we would have one working and three watching!

Here three workers are working and only two are watching.

At this Temple area, the old people meet, play games, socialize, play cards, knit, and sew.  Very similar to our old folks meeting at "Hardees, McDonalds, or Burger King".

Looks like she has the deck rigged!!

Here they are having some type demonstration, not the bad kind of demonstration.

The red tag on the tree shows that the tree is over 100 years old.  They have many in this area that are that old.

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