Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tiananmen Square

                                                   Our trip to China

For months we had planned this trip.  We had tried to figure out how we could get all the clothes we needed for 2 weeks into the suite cases and still be under the 44 pound limit per suite case.  A few days before we were to leave, we made a list of things we did not want to forget.  Finally with our suite cases packed we left for the Charlotte airport.  We had a good departure time (12:30PM).  We flew to Atlanta and left there in the middle of the afternoon to fly to Seattle.  From there we flew to Beijing, arriving there around 10 PM the next day. 

About 23 hours after we left Charlotte, NC we saw the sun set over the People's Repbulic of China.  That was the day after we left the US. Things were beginning to get exciting. We had 13 days of a fabulous vacation waiting ahead.

After going through passport control and baggage pickup, we were meet by our representative and taken to our Hotel.

                                                             JW Marriott Hotel, Beijing

           After a good nights sleep, we had a wonderful brerakfast and were off to tour Beijing.
                       Tiananmen Square was our next stop.    

                                                        The flag of the People's Republic of China.

        Notice all the haze in Beijing, the air was very polluted.


Flowers for the National celebration during the first week of October.

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