Friday, October 28, 2011

Water Village

    Water Village of Zhujiajiao, an ancient city located on the
     banks of Dianshan Lake.  The village has 36 ancient stone
     bridges and some of the buildings are over 1,000 years old.

This is our local Chinese guide.
Crabs on the street for sale.  Bill, "eat your heart out."

Beef and vegetables being wraped in palm leaves for cooking.

Beans of all kinds.

This man is carving these figures out of a single tree trunk.

This women had her chickens out to sell.  Our friend started to take a picture and she really got upset.  Our guide said she said NO pictures,  She thought it was bad luck because she had not sold any chickens all morning.  I had already taken a picture without a flash and she did not know it.  I guess she may still have her chickens!

More street vendors.

These are tables for the eating places.

It was now time to say goodbye to Little Venice.

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