Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We are learning Tic Chi.  You see who is getting with the program!

This is a BIG door!
These pigs are in some stores.  
They say it is good luck to put money in the pig.

This guy is spinning a blanket over his head, like a pizza maker would spin crust. 

One of their big super markets, like Walmart.
They are enjoying their trip!

A farewell dinner.  Notice what these people are drinking.

Necessary Room

                          Necessary room

Many of the necessary rooms have just a hole in the concrete.  There are no hand rails or anything to hold on to.  Note the hole is small, so you have to squat.  This is a nice ceramic model I found in the airport.  

    When you are lucky, you will see this sign for a 
    Western type toilet.


Pearls for the Lady

China makes fresh water pearls by placing small particles in oysters and then farming the oysters.  They put many particles in the oysters as shown above so they get many pearls from each oyster.  Sand particles normally make the core of the oyster when it is made in the ocean.  Also these man made pearls are more regular shaped than natural pearls.

I don't know what I am looking at here.

Silk production


    Silk threads are being unwound from the silk     
    cocoons to be made into thread.

       We are stretching silk to make a table cloth.

A silk rug is being made.